Sabtu, 10 September 2011

This Danger Too Old Hold Hunger

Hunger for any reason such as too busy should not be done because it can causehealth effects. What are the adverse effects of hunger for the body?

Too long hunger can make the body lacks essential nutrients that serve to energize andsustain the organs inside the body to work optimally.

This condition is usually done by people who want to lose weight the wrong way. If thebody does not get enough nutrition then the impact on metabolic processes, as quotedfrom Lifemojo, Friday (9/9/2011), namely:

1. If the body does not get food intake for 4 hours then the body will use glucosereserves to help the brain function.

2. After 8 hours the body starts using stored glycogen in the liver to extract energy, a process known as glycogenolysis which convert glycogen into glucose.

3. If the body does not get food intake for 12 hours then uses the glycogen stored inmuscle, other than that the body uses stored fat.

In addition to affecting the physical, hungry for a long time also affects the physiological,emotional and cognitive functions. Generally he will feel fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, hair loss and skin becomes dry quickly.

If the habit of hunger is done every day, it can cause serious consequences such asmuscle weakness, electrolyte imbalance, constipation, feeling cold easily, change inblood pressure, decreased immune system, an irregular heartbeat to kidney failure.

While the emotional impact is becoming more sensitive, irritability, depression andanxiety. If left unchecked could lead to more serious mental Environment for such loss ofemotional and cognitive skills are broken.

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